Statement of Faith

Section 1. God


We believe there is only one living, eternal and true God who exists as Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being. He is an intelligent, Spiritual, and personal Being; he is the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe. (Isa.40:23; Gen.1:11; Ps90:2; Isa.43:1; Heb.1:3; Matt.19:26; Ma.3:6; Matt.28:19,20)

Section 1A- God the Father

 God the Father, in His Love, prepared eternal salvation to all humankind through his Son Jesus Christ. He is a living eternal Spirit “…who dwells in the light which no man can approach…” (John 3:16; 1Tim.1:17; John 1:18,4:24; Col.1;16; 1Tim.5:16; John 5:25; Isa.3:10; Ps.36:9) 

Section 1B- God the Son

 God the Son is the Lord Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary, fully God and fully human, who suffered and died on the cross for the sins of humanity, was buried, rose bodily from the dead, appeared to his followers and ascended into heaven, who now sits at the right hand side of the Father and intercedes for those who believe in him, and who is coming again with great power and glory. (John 1:13; Phil.2:6;John 14:9; Isa7:12; Luke1:30; Heb.4:6; 1Cor.15:3-4;1Tim.2:5, 3:16; Rom.3:24-25; Mark 16:19; Acts1:9,11,10:42; Rev.22;12; 1Thess.2:16;John1:10) 

Section 1C- God the Holy Spirit

God the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, who inspired the prophets and apostles of old; who indwells, empowers, and distributes spiritual gifts to be exercised by the believers for spiritual edification of the church; and who convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit conforms believers to the image of Jesus Christ, illuminates, guides, empowers believers for Christ-like life and service. (John 14:26; II Pet.1:21; Acts1:8; 1 Cor12-14; Eph4:11-12; John 16:8)

Section 2. Scriptures

The Bible is the written revelation of God to humanity and was authored by individuals who were divinely inspired. It is an authoritative, perfect, reliable written Word of God. God has spoken through the Old and New Testaments his will for salvation. (II Pe.1:21; II Sam.23:2; II Tim.3:16,17; Matt.5:18; John10:3; Rom.16:26; Isa.34:16; Duet.29:29)

Section 3. Humanity

Humanity was created by a special act of God in His own image and is the crowning work of his creation. Humanity was endowed by its creator with freedom of choice. By its free choice, humanity fell into temptation of Satan and transgressed the command of God and brought sin and death to all posterity. Human beings can attain God’s purpose and glory only through salivation by grace through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Gen1:26-30, 3:1-24; Ps. 8:4-6; Heb.2:6-8; Rom. 3:23,24; Eph. 2:1-22; Col.1;21-22)

Section 4. Salivation

Salivation involves the redemption of the whole person and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for those who believe. Having limitless knowledge and sovereign power, God has graciously purposed from eternity to redeem a people for Himself and to make all things new for His own glory. In its broadest sense salivation includes regeneration, reconciliation, sanctification, and glorification. (Matt1:21; Luke 1:68,69; John 1:11-14; II Cor.5:17; Rom.3:23-25; 1 Cor.1:30-31; Rom.8:29-30; Gal.6:15; Eph.1:17,4:11-16; Heb.2:10; 1Pe5:10) 

Section 5. Priesthood of All Believers 

1 This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of humankind and is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of our community’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our Board is the final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application. 

All believers/followers of Jesus Christ have equal status before God and have direct access to God through Jesus Christ. They all are called to worship Him and are gifted by the Holy Spirit with spiritual gifts for the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry in order that the Body of Christ will be edified. (1 Peter 2:5; Eph 4:11-16; 1 Cor. 12-14) 

Section 6. The Church

The church is universal as well as local. The universal church is the fellowship of all believers who have been justified by God’s grace through faith alone in Christ alone. It is the body of Christ united by the Holy Spirit of which Jesus Christ is the head. The universal church is primarily perceived through the local church. The local church is the assembly of born- again believers in whom Christ dwells by the Holy Spirit and whom are associated, for the Glory of God, by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel, observing the two ordinances of Christ and committed to carry out the Great Commission. It is an autonomous body with its own administration, which operates in accordance with the Word of God. (Eph. 1:22-23; Matt.16:15- 19; 1Cor.3:11; Eph.2:20 –22; Col.1:18; Acts 2:41-42, 13:1-2; 1 Cor.1:2; Matt.26:26-28,28:19-20; 1Cor.11:24-25) 

Section 7. Water Baptism

The ordinance of water baptism is to be observed by all who have really repented and in their hearts have truly believed in Christ as Savior and Lord. In so doing they declare to the world that they have died with Jesus and that they have also been raised with Him to walk in newness of life. (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:16; Acts 10:47-48; Rom.6:1-4) 

Section 8. The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper, consisting the elements, bread and the fruit of the vine, is the symbol expressing our sharing of the divine nature of our Lord Jesus Christ; a memorial of his suffering and death; and a prophecy of His coming; and is enjoined by believers “until He comes.” (II Pe. 1:4; 1 Cor.11;23-26; Luke 22:19-20)

Section 9. Christian Living

God’s justifying grace must not be separated from His sanctifying power and purpose. God commands us to love Him supremely and others sacrificially, and to live out our faith with care for one another, compassion toward the poor and justice for the oppressed. With God’s Word, the Spirit’s power, and fervent prayer in Christ’s name, we are to combat the spiritual forces of evil. In obedience to Christ’s commission, we are to make disciples among all people, always bearing witness to the gospel in word and deed.

Section 10. Worship

Worshiping God in Spirit and truth is the duty and privilege for all humanity. In worship, followers of Jesus Christ gather together in His name, bow in adoration, humility and dedication to God. Worship of God is essential to the life of the church, for Christian fellowship, spiritual growth and to carry out the Great Commission. It should be consistent with the Scriptures, guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit. It encompasses all areas of the believers’ life and serves as the foundation and fuel for obedient living (to love God and our neighbor), for spiritual growth, for receiving guidance, for encountering God, and for fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives (Ps.95:1,2,6; Eph.5:19 Eph.4:11-16; I Thess.5:11 Acts 5:1-11;1 Cor.5:1-7)

Section 11. Last Things

God in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all humanity in righteousness. He will cause the fulfillment of all the prophecies made concerning the final and complete triumph over all evil. Faith in the Second and Glories coming of Jesus Christ is an inspiring hope to those who believe. (Acts 1:11; Titus 2:13; Isa. 2:4; 1 Thess. 4:14-18; Matt. 24:29-30; Rev. 22:12; 1 Cor. 4:5; Matt. 25:34,41; Rev.20:15) 

Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Irving

Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Irving