Irving Berean

Irving Berean Ministry

“The people of Berea were more open-minded than the people of Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive God’s message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was tru ” Acts 17:11

እነዚህም በተሰሎንቄ ከሚኖሩት ይልቅ ልበ ሰፊዎች ነበሩና። ነገሩ እንደዚሁ ይሆንን? ብለው ዕለት ዕለት መጻሕፍትን እየመረመሩ ቃሉን በሙሉ ፈቃድ ተቀበሉ

  • Discussion Time


Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Irving

Ethiopian Evangelical Church in Irving